Honda OEM parts are manufactured to the same standards as the parts that came in your Honda. As a Honda owner, you care about what goes into your car — rightfully so! We care, too!
Buying a genuine Honda BOX ASSY., MAIN FUSE, which you can also find by searching for the part number #38250-S0X-A02, is the best way to ensure a perfect fit in your next repair. BOX ASSY., MAIN FUSE is item #010 in the diagram.
Not the part you were looking for? Bernardi is proud to offer variety of ODYSSEY '99-'04 parts for your ELECTRICAL / EXHAUST / HEATER / FUEL, whatever you need to keep your Honda in tip-top shape.
Having trouble finding the right part or accessory for your Honda? Give our Honda parts specialists a call at (800) 924-1884.